Thank you for your Smile 08/17/17 1:00am

I find myself thinking about your smile.

I haven't felt this way in a while.

Smitten beyond repair.

No other smile will ever compare.


I'm sitting here with a scattered mind,

But your smile makes it easy to unwind.

I feel bad for those who did not see 

The love I hope to steal just for me.


I Usually can't escape my own way.

But with you I can't run out of things to say.

So pretty, so brave, so sexy, so new.

Give me 1 millions choices and I'll always choose you.


You created this path for me to walk free.

It's been so long that I'm jumping with glee.

I feel like me again.

I can finally see again.


Your smile was the key to knock down these walls.

I answer with a smile to unidentified calls.

The air smells great, and the sky's clear for miles.

Thank you soo much for bringing me that beautiful smile.
